Risk Management / Fleet

Tina Davis

President | Sr. Advisor at Quali-T Operations, LLC

With a team of seasoned experts, Quali-T Operations is dedicated to enhancing organizational efficiency and effectiveness in the most critical areas of operation.

As the Operations Manager for three affiliate organizations, Tina’s role in fleet and risk management required processes and strategies to provide effective oversight of the fleet department, minimize potential risks, and ensure operational efficiency for a 275-vehicle fleet.

When the organization’s initiative to engage in installing Global Position Systems (GPS) within the fleet, two distinct concepts were interconnected. There were challenges to align three sets of leaders to form one over-arching GPS policy, to determine speed thresholds, location data metrics, driving habit thresholds, and driver accountability.

The magnitude of change, not only with creating organizational policy, but driver understanding and operational support to manage the program and present data through dashboard metrics, were all crucial aspects to managing company drivers and mitigating risk.

The solution of tracking driver behaviors through dashboard metrics allowed for historical data to be readily available for repeat unsafe drivers, to optimize vehicle utilization, reduce cost, and ensure regulatory compliance. From data collected, the program relies on metrics for driver training assignments and to identify areas for improvement. The result is improved operational performance, reduced costs, and enhanced safety for their employees and the public.

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